Can Effective Communication be a Stepping Stone for Success at Workplace?


One of the fundamental practices that will lead to greater coordination and productivity in the workplace is open communication. Organizations that have an open communication channel and encourage communication training are more successful.

Delayed feedback, long and unclear email threads, ideas not discussed properly, deadlines being missed, and no idea which team member will be working on what – these are just some of the problems you might be facing at work, and if you are facing any or all of these, it is time to implement communication coaching as part of your work culture. Effective communication can be a game-changer for the success and growth of your employees and organization.

All that you want to know about effective business communication – what it is, how to build communication skills, and how effective communication will help you in your professional life.

What is effective communication, and why is it important?

Communication forms the base of any organization or business. Effective communication is communication between two or more individuals done with the aim to deliver, receive, and understand the relevant message. It is the process through which information is shared between team members. To make sure your communication is effective, you need to keep in mind the audience, and only then can the message reach them successfully.

The 4 main types of communication are –

  • Verbal Communication
    Interpersonal – one-on-one communication
    Small group –press conferences, board meetings
    Public – public speeches, presentations
  • Non-verbal communication –body language, hand movements, posture, voice tone, etc.
  • Written communication –letters, memos, reports, etc.
    Visual communication – photographs, pie charts, videos, etc.
  • Intrapersonal – conversations with ourselves

The 7 Cs of Communication

To make sure that communication is effective, you need to understand the 7 Cs of communication. It is one of the most vital principles and can help you improve your communication skills in your personal and professional life.

  1. Concrete - When the message you’re trying to convey is concrete, there is a better chance that the audience will understand it immediately. Make sure all suitable and relevant information backs up your message, and your argument is supported by factual material.
  2. Coherent - The whole idea of sending the message will be useless if you aren’t coherent. A major part of effective communication is sending coherent messages. Coherent communication is logical, well-planned, and runs in a sequential manner.
  3. Clarity - The purpose of the message should be clear. The receiver should not have to scratch their head to understand the meaning. Use small sentences and crisp and clear language. The format should be correct, and make sure the message doesn’t lead the audience to form any assumptions.
  4. Commitment - Commitment plays a pivotal part in workplace communication. If you want effective communication, your dedication should be visible. A well-committed message will have a greater and more positive impact on the audience.
  5. Consistency - The choice of words you use plays an important role. So make sure you put forward your message in a concise way with the consistency of tone, voice, and content. Try not to waste the other person’s time by minimizing the chances of repetition.
  6. Completeness - Never leave your sentences incomplete, and make sure that the message you’re aiming to deliver has logical reasoning to it. The audience should get the complete message and not be left hanging whether there is more to your message or not. And if you want them to take any action, then mention that as well for quick and better results.
  7. Courteous - Courtesy makes everything a lot more positive. Even if you disagree with the other person, show respect and put your point in a firm but polite manner. Offensive words, rude tone, and bad gestures will only bring down your communication.

How effective communication helps in building better teams at the workplace?

The beauty of modern workplaces is that we all work in teams, and a lot of professionals are a part of global teams from different parts of the world. In such a situation, it becomes all the more important to have effective communication so that there is a better understanding between your team that can be honed through various courses on effective communication. This would lead to enhanced coordination, increased productivity, and better creativity. Good communication is the backbone of organizational success and growth, and here’s how the power of effective communication can help your organization –

  • Take you a long way in building efficient teams
  • Increases employee engagement
  • Builds a safe place to let people think openly
  • Eliminates misunderstanding, doubts, and ambiguities
  • Boosts employees’ morale
  • Fosters a more productive and creative workforce
  • Increases job satisfaction among employees

Tips to improve team communication

Follow these tips to have effective communication among teams at the workplace.

  • Give complete attention
  • Get a team communication app
  • Be a good listener
  • Don’t beat around the bush
  • Choose the best method for communication
  • Be confident, persuasive, and patient
  • Work on your personal skills and emotional intelligence
  • Use time wisely
  • Show appreciation
  • Conduct team-building activities
  • Have one-on-one interactions
  • Encourage two-way feedback
  • Don’t ignore non-verbal cues

Just like any other skill, communication also needs time and effort. And once it is integrated, you’ll see that there are numerous benefits like – fewer misunderstandings, lower conflicts, healthy workplace culture, building team spirit, increased self-esteem, stronger teamwork, and drives business to greater success.


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