Secrets to Master Crucial Accountability Conversations at Workplace


The nature of the workplace has drastically changed over the past few years. After the pandemic, the culture of doing work-from-home options and hybrid work weeks have become more common.

For any organization, employees are a crucial part of its growth and success. From reaching daily goals, managing customers, and upholding the brand or company’s image, employees act like a blood flow in an organization. By knowing the importance of employees, many companies have started investing in their employees’ learning and strengthening relationships with other co-workers for efficient workflow. However, most of them fail to incorporate the very important workplace skills, such as effective crucial conversations and managing crucial accountability conversations at the workplace.

You might encounter situations where you are required to hold your co-workers, employees, seniors, managers, etc., accountable for some task or project.

Let’s take some examples for a better understanding.

Has anything ever happened to you where you have been assigned a new role at work and want to make sure your first quarterly review goes well? You have been informally trying to ask your reporting manager for their feedback on your performance till date. However, all she says is, “You’re doing well.”

Let’s take another example; you need an important report from a leader of another team/department in order to complete your own task or work. He hasn’t gotten it to you, despite committing that he would.

How would you manage such crucial accountability conversations?

Let’s explore some secrets to improve the skills of handling high-stakes crucial conversations at the workplace, which can make your professional and personal life, in general, a lot easier than before.

  1. Acknowledge your own mistake and keep the concerned person accountable: As per the golden rule of leadership, one should keep themselves accountable for their own goals. However, one of the most common ways of ensuring the process of accountability in the workplace is to hold yourself accountable first for your mistakes and then point them out to others.

  2. Be Empathetic: Due to various reasons, such as lack of confidence, experience, or personal obligations – your employee may find it difficult to complete their assigned duties. Therefore, while you expect more from your employees, always consider yourself in their situation first.

    This will help you to understand their problem and concerns in a better way, and then you can have an accountability discussion in a more efficient manner than ever.

  3. Providing Appropriate Feedback: Providing timely feedback to your employees may help you to improve your accountability discussions with them. As by giving frequent feedback will improve their performance and overall growth.

  4. Crucial Accountability Training: There are some programs/courses which teach individuals how to hold crucial accountability at the workplace effectively. One of them is Crucial Conversation for Accountability, offered by Crucial Learning. In this, you will learn the skills which will help you to hold people accountable despite their designation, department, position, or authority.


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